Friday, July 31, 2009

Advice To The Future Published Authors

Just because I feel like making lists, and because I get a lot of emails asking for advice of the "Things you wish you knew before you were published," variety:

1. Always add a month longer to your deadline than you think you'll need. Really.

2. When you get published, you will lose friends. When you hit milestones, you will lose more. But you will gain awesome ones too.

3. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's annoying when the hero's hair color is wrong on the cover, but really, that's a very small thing and not worth an ulcer over.

4. Make time for the family. It can be very easy to get caught up in deadlines, the fun of writing, the social interaction on blogs, Facebook, and Twitter. But if you don't have a strong family foundation and support, writing can become a chore.

5. This is a very unstable business -- you have very little control over anything, but you DO have control over your writing. So keep learning the craft, keep improving, and let your writing be your strongest promotional tool in your arsenal!

Have a great weekend, everyone!


Hilda said...

Great tips Larissa! You've saved me from having to email you about it. Come to think of it, you've saved yourself from answering me! LOL

Have a great weekend!


AngelJane said...

Many thanks for the welcome information. All senses tell me I will need all those tips and more before I hear the ring ding of that email or the sound of the letter, pushed through my door, proclaiming I've been published... Never the less... Onwards & upwards!!!

Mwah AngelJane